Couples Therapy in St. Petersburg, FL
Couples Counseling focused on helping you and your partner feel more connected, improve communication, and create a fulfilling relationship for both of you.

“My partner and I keep having the same arguments and conflicts. We don’t feel close or connected anymore. Neither one of us feels listened to or understood.”
Couples can get into entrenched patterns that lead to pain and frustration.
This is normal and it can be difficult to get out of these cycles. Couples have left working with me feeling:
A newfound empathy and love for their partner
An ability to be more vulnerable, understanding, and empathetic
A renewed sense of intimacy and deeper connection
Effective ways of communicating with one another that lead both partners to feel deeply listened to

My approach is empathic, non-judgemental and engaging
I want every couple entering my room to feel accepted and understood in their relationship and as individuals. Creating safety and openness for both people to feel like they can be vulnerable and take risks is paramount to intimacy and closeness. No topic is off-limits. Additionally, my role is to be an active participant in helping the relationship create new patterns of relating with each other that lead to connection, joy, and play. I will be engaged and offer insights that I think will benefit the couple.
Reasons clients come to see me.
Emotional Distance
You feel a void between you and your partner that seems insurmountable to cross. It feels so hard to come back to one another after feeling withdrawn, hurt, or disconnected for so long. You feel like roommates.
You and your partner do not feel a deeper intimacy between one another. This could mean a lack of emotional, physical, or sexual intimacy. It is so hard to be vulnerable and share how you both are really feeling.
Communication Challenges
One or both partners feel unseen or not understood. You try and talk to one another but it doesn’t seem to get anywhere or it leads to more conflict. It feels like you are stuck in a cycle of feeling missed and disconnected.